AcuRolling is about Body Freedom.
What would freedom in your body feel like for you?
Can you imagine a life with NO low back pain? neck tension? or anxiety? What’s holding you back from feeling your best?
AcuRolling is a powerful movement therapy, based in yoga. It combines acupressure, stretching, and bone stimulation to create space in the body.
is the fusion of Yamuna Body Rolling and Acupuncture theory.
It allows you to create space in your body - to lengthen, move with ease, and live freely.
It’s a combination of stretching, toning, strengthening, and acupressure. With AcuRolling, you will relieve pain and tension, increase range of motion, prevent or recover from injury, and get back to enjoying your favorite activities.
We use a series of small inflatable balls, and follow the order of the body, or the “body’s logic” to lengthen, tone and create space. You will see and feel the results immediately.
“A fully aligned body with all of its capacity for free movement is the most beautiful body possible”. - Yamuna
I am trained and certified under the creator of Yamuna Body Rolling, Yamuna Zake. I’ve been guided by her body wisdom for over 20 years.
AcuRolling is about Rejuvenation.
For your body, and your face.
Yes - you can reduce wrinkles, and even get rid of them (I’ve done it!). And not just that - you can relieve jaw tension, headaches, sinus congestion, eye tension and droopy eyelids too.
AcuRolling: Let’s Face It (coming soon!)
will help you do this – from your own home.
How do you get body freedom?
Join a class online, or schedule a private one-to-one session for AcuRolling and Chinese Medicine- based health coaching.
Visit our online studio, for live online classes and focused workshops. Online classes and workshops
will begin in Fall 2021!
Why roll?
AcuRolling has several benefits:
Improved Posture & Body Alignment (stand taller, look and feel leaner)
Increased Range of Motion (move more freely, do the activities you love)
Reduced Pain
Increased Flexibility
Increased Muscle Tone (it’s a workout, too!)
Improved Circulation
Improved Organ Function (digestion, fertility, etc)
Anyone will benefit from AcuRolling!
You only need a ball and a mat and you can roll from your own home. You can join a class here.
AcuRolling allows you to work on yourself, anytime, anywhere.
It works FAST and it’s FUN!
NEED A BALL? Buy one here.